Import, Export & Domestic Treatments
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12.3 Heat Treatment
EcoTreat will be approved for Class 12.3 Mobile BMSB heat treatment
BMSB season is upon us and this means that many imported commodities require Biosecurity clearance. These pests has put a lot of strain on the cargo shipping, especially in Penrith, Australia where new requirements are forcing BMSB treatmens depending on the country of origin.
Cargo shipping is big business, but no countries want to welcome BMSB. They could potentially do damage to things such as agriculture, trees, and be a nuisance to homeowners. The goal is to try BMSB heat treatment to protect the shipping containers. There is now a new approved Class 12.3 heat treatment that can be used to treat goods that are subject to biosecurity control including containers that require BMSB treatment.
Here at EcoTreat, located in Penrith, NSW, we will be approved for Class 12.3 heat treatment. This is a much anticapted service and we are more than happy to have the opportunity to be able to provide 12.3 heat treatment to our clients.
Give us a call to learn more today!